20% alennus kaikista malleista koodilla 'ROSES' - voimassa vain 15.2.2025 asti!

Mel Hughes

Mel Hughes
Alkuperä Australia
Jäsen alkaen 03 / 2022
Tietoja minusta Hello there. My name is Mel. I absolutely love creating designs and seeing what they become.
Tietoja Omista malleista Inspired by everyday things. Nature, my crazy life, current trends etc. I really enjoy the process of translating these into a design. I worked in fashion apparel for 20+ years so always have wearability in mind when designing a pattern.
Oma inspiraation lähde My daughter. She is my sunshine and we love doing our art together.
maani malleille
Kuvioiden lisäksi suunnittelen house interiors.