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Татьяна Косинская

Татьяна Косинская
Origem Rússia
Membro desde 06 / 2022
Sobre Mim Hi, my name is Tatiana. I am an illustrator and a painter. I am constantly looking for new ways to embody my creativity. I follow your projects with great attention and interest and admire your talents! Glad to meet you!
Sobre Meus Designs My patterns are very diverse, I often experiment with color and texture. But I really like designs with images of people. Maybe someday I'll stop at one style, so far I'm in constant search.
Minha Fonte de Inspiração Very often the source of my inspiration are photos, beautiful color combinations and textures. I am also inspired by the works of many artists and illustrators. I never tire of admiring their talents.
Típico para desenhos do
meu país
There is nothing specific and typical for my country. All the artists with whom I communicate or observe in social networks have a variety of styles and presentation. Quite a variety of styles.
Além de padrões eu desenho I really like to sew clothes with my own hands. And I do it very well!