20% de desconto em todos os padrões com o código 'HOT' - válido apenas até 18/07/2024!

Anja Alexandersdottir

Anja Alexandersdottir
Origem UK
Membro desde 06 / 2019
Sobre Mim I am a woven designer who is working in fashion specialising in checks and stripes for clothing in menswear, womanswear and accessories as well as creating interior woven designs.
Sobre Meus Designs I create colourful and interesting designs with a range of hero and complimentary options.
Minha Fonte de Inspiração living in Scotland i am inspired by nature- the quality of light throughout the day, the seasonal plants and their colours. I also like spotting colour ideas on the catwalks and seeing what people are wearing out and about to get inspiration for layouts and colour combinations.
Típico para desenhos do
meu país
tartans and breton stripes
Além de padrões eu desenho