'COOKIES' ko@@ duyla tüm desenlerde %20 indirim - sadece 12/12/2024 tarihine kadar geçerlidir!

Karen Harbour

Karen Harbour
Köken UK
Üye beri 05 / 2016
Benim Hakkımda I am a Freelance Textile/Surface Pattern Designer based in East Yorkshire.
Tasarımlarım Hakkında I work in illustrator creating designs for a variety of uses including, Home Furnishings, Apparel and Stationery products.
İlham Kaynağım Inspiration for my design comes from the beauty of the countryside around me to the geometric shapes of architecture and man made objects found in the city.

Ülkemden tasarımlar için tipik
I love William Morris and the way he can rotate a motif and show repeat in a different way than square or half drop typical repeats. Flipping and mirror images he uses as examples.
Desenlerin yanı sıra tasarım I also design Greeting Cards under the name Tilly and Beau.