コード 'SEA' が付いているすべてのパターンが 20% 割引-2024年6月13日までのみ有効!

Leysan Shayakbirova

Leysan Shayakbirova
出身地 ロシア
メンバー登録日: 11 / 2014
About Me My name is Leysan and I am a surface designer and a graphic artist. I really love animals and cute illustrsation. If you have any questions you are always welcomed in my inbox. That's why don't hesitate, write me if you want to clarify something, or maybe you just want to chat with me or you have some offers and suggestions. Here is my e-mail: *losojospardos@gmail.com* Follow me on Instagram: @leysan_shayak
About My Designs
Origin of Inspiration animals, traveling
My country typical designs
Other works illustrations