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Elly Cooke

Elly Cooke
Origine UK
Membro dal 02 / 2020
Su di me Hello and welcome to Elly Ren Designs. I'm a freelance surface pattern designer based in Bristol. I produce bold, colourful, abstract, geometric, floral and conversational patterns for the fashion and homeware markets and I especially enjoy working with trends. ​ I’m available for licensing and freelance opportunities from my studio in Bristol UK.
Informazioni sui miei disegni I describe my designs as retro-funky-futeristic and I use floral motifs combined with graphic shapes.
La mia fonte di ispirazione Photographs from nature and posters from the 80's.
Tipico per i disegni
del mio paese
Bristol was recently voted the most artistic city in the UK!
Oltre ai modelli che disegno Fine art paintings and performance art.