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Jacek Muda

Jacek Muda
Origem Polônia
Membro desde 02 / 2013
Sobre Mim Hi! My name is Jacek, I was born in 1984. I am graphic & web designer from Poland. I love my creative space - getting ideas from my head to paper, computer screens and mobile devices, everyday objects. There's an extraordinary amount of fun and this work gives me incredible satisfaction.
Sobre Meus Designs Originality, quality and creativity. My goal is gaining the viewer's attention to detail, which previously could not see. My dream is that my work became an inspiration for others.
Minha Fonte de Inspiração Polish designers and illustrators are very well known and respected throughout the world. They achieved mastery in many areas of design, even though many years of Communist control over culture. Polish design rules! An example would be an area for posters and painting - not necessarily referring to the Polish folklorism, but also penetrating the international quality.
Típico para desenhos do
meu país
Polish designers and illustrators are very well known and respected throughout the world. They achieved mastery in many areas of design, even though many years of Communist control over culture. Polish design rules! An example would be an area for posters and painting - not necessarily referring to the Polish folklorism, but also penetrating the international quality.
Além de padrões eu desenho In addition to patterns, I'm designing websites, applications, brochures, flyers, wallpaper...etc. In this matter, there is no limit.