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Tanja Fischer

Tanja Fischer
Origem Alemanha
Membro desde 03 / 2014
Sobre Mim I am a visual person. I like to play and enjoy colors and shapes.
Sobre Meus Designs experimental, geometric, colorful, algorithmic, SUDOKU, puzzles, psychedelic, Eulatik, mathematical
Minha Fonte de Inspiração I have a weakness for SUDOKU. At some point I started to replace the numbers with colors and simple geometric shapes which are often inspired by nature and everyday life. I am fascinated by the resulting patterns. I have chosen the term Eulatik for my approach to pattern making, since mathematician Euler has invented a forerunner of SUDOKU.
Típico para desenhos do
meu país
Além de padrões eu desenho a new life for myself after quitting my job in semiconductor production