20% discount on all patterns with the code 'HOT' - only valid until 07/18/2024!

Bianca Oliari

Bianca Oliari
Origin Italy
Member since 11 / 2021
About Me Print designer, Brazilian currently living in Italy, I work with the development of rotating prints for the textile market, also prospecting for the stationery and home decor market. I have experience in the fine arts area for over 20 years and the textile industry for 10 years.
About My Designs I like to work with watercolors, charcoal, abstracts and geometrics. I mix the traditional way of drawing and painting with the technological one.
My Source of Inspiration My source of inspiration is art, nature and fashion.
Typical for designs from
my country
In my home country, the most common pattern is floral, with vibrant colors and also abstract.
Besides patterns I design In addition to the patterns, I make local prints, I like to draw faces, flowers and abstracts.